YESTERDAY - The lights are really Crazy Quilt's eyes. The witch has put him in a trance. When they wake him, the three friends learn to their dismay that Wintergreen has stolen the star from Crazy Quilt. Anxious to return to the witch's home, but lost in the woods, Jimmy recalls the whistle given him by Fee-Foh. Three blasts on the whistle will bring the gentle giant to help. But when Crazy Quilt tries, he inhales too deeply and swallows the whistle.
AND NOW… Episode 13: Threatened by a Witch
The Giant has heard the whistle as Crazy Quilt was hiccupping and takes the whole group back to the house. Paddy, Judy, Jimmy, and Crazy Quilt step through the picture frame into the clutches of Wintergreen the Witch. She seals the door and picture, trapping them. They ingeniously escape the witch and retrieve the star. Crazy Quilt takes them back to the mainland and he accidentally sits on the star, breaking it into a dozen pieces. First broadcast Friday, December 10, 1937
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